
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Minnesota
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

The Mall of America in Bloomington, one of Americas busiest, attracts how many visitor per year ?


40 million
4 million
80 million
14 million

Lake Itasca is the source for which major American River ?


Mississippi River
Colorado River
Columbia River
Rio Grande

Which Great Lake borders Minnesota to the north east ?


Lake Huron
Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
Lake Superior

Which city, not the state capital, is the largest with around 400 000 citizens ?


St Paul

To the North of Minnesota lies


North Dakota
South Dakota

Which National Park includes International Falls, the coldest place on continental USA ?


Shenandoah NP
Glacier Bay NP
Acadia NP
Voyageurs International Park

Which 1568 mile Interstate runs from Dulliston, Minnesota to Laredo, Texas ?


Interstate 10
Interstate 90
Interstate 35
Interstate 94

Minnesota is known as the


Prairie State
Lone Star State
North Star State
Sunshine State

The metropolitan area of Minneapolis and St Paul are referred to as the


Paired Cities
Similar Cities
Competing Cities
Twin Cities

The population of Minnesota is


10.4 million
5.2 million
2.6 million
1.3 million

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012